TLC Club Newsletter 11/11/2021

Hello Chancers! 

It is with great joy that the Club board would like to welcome you back to a new club house on Saturday the 13th of November 2021 between the times of 1pm and 8pm.

We have been torn between postponing the opening of the club for a week or two to give you all more notice or just starting to meet as soon as possible. As you can see we decided it is more crucial we start finally playing games together and seeing each other after such a long time. You are more than welcome to bring your board games, decks and armies (there will be at least two 6×4 tables available, possibly three). But most important – bring yourself! Even if you can only stay for 5 minutes. 

LOCATION AND TIMES (where and when we can meet) 

  • Gaming room: Fridays 6pm -10.15pm (we can lock the room as it is and come back the next day) Saturdays 12.00pm – 8pm
  • RPG room: Saturdays 12.00pm – 8pm
  • De La Salle Pastoral Centre, Wicklow

The pastoral centre has its own car park (yellow arrow), please note the car park beside the church closes at 5pm. We were asked to use the entry marked with the green arrow. Our room is on the 1st floor, first room on the right (or just simply follow the noise). 


  • Alcohol consumption is not permitted within and outside of the building.
  • Smoking is permitted outside of the building, away from the entry doors, please be mindful of cigarette butts.
  • All the groups are asked to bring their rubbish home. It seems the easiest way to tackle it is if everyone will be responsible for their own rubbish. 


  • Current room capacities are: 15 people in the gaming room and 6 people in the rpg room. 
  • Masks need to be worn inside the pastoral centre at all times. 
  • Only 1 person in the toilets/kitchen at a time. 
  • Do not visit the centre if feeling unwell. 
  • Sanitise the tables/chairs before and after use. Avoid sharing dice if possible, sanitise the board games as much as you can. 


Currently the club is not in position to support members under 18th (the board hopes to change this soon). However both the insurer and the pastoral centre have no objections to club members bringing their own children to the meetings. So if you are a parent and your child would like to try building a train network in the  Ticket To Ride, smash some dragons in Talisman or learn how to play Magic: The Gathering we strongly encourage you to bring them in. Just remember – as a parent you are responsible for the safety and behaviour of your own child, not the club. If you are unsure about the age or how to start – please send a message to the board.

Ufff! That was a long one. If after reading that extensive essay you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or ping one of the board members directly.

Many thanks,

The TLC Club Board.